
Making Appointments at the Practice

A dedicated team of Patient Support Receptionists will help to arrange appointments, advise on waiting times at the surgery and assist you in accessing healthcare services. They will do their best to help provide you with an appointment as soon as possible.

Appointments & Reception

Appointments can be made and the reception team accessed in person or telephone from 8.00am – 6.30pm. We are open late evenings on Monday and Wednesday until 8.00pm. For test results please telephone after 10.00am.

The easiest way to request an appointment or submit information to us is through “SystmConnect”: Click here to open the SystmConnect portal.

Please remember that SystmConnect is for routine requests only, if you require urgent/same day advice then please contact our reception team directly on 01234 319992.

Telephone Consultations

Our GPs and Nurses can often deal with a patient’s needs via a Telephone Consultation rather than you needing an appointment to come in to the Practice to see them. Our Receptionists will be able to advise whether this is appropriate for you. Our clinicians have bookable telephone slots each day and this may allow us to help you promptly without you having to wait for a face-to-face appointment.

You may be offered a telephone consultation if all appointments have been taken on a particular day so that the urgency can be assessed.